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Little did I know what a change Eupraxia would make in my life.

September 10, 2014 1 Comment

My name is Megan Miller. I am 31 years old with three boys and an amazing husband who are my whole world. Their ages are 5(12-5-11), 3 (8-19-13) and 14 months (11-12-15). I started working out at Eupraxia in November of 2013 after I had had my second son Jude. I was ready to lose all of my baby weight, but still, in the back of my mind knew that I was going to have another baby so I wasn’t going to “try too hard”. Little did I know what a change Eupraxia would make in my life. I learned that you have to have a goal and a reason to work out, and although I was going to get pregnant again, it should be a healthier and better pregnancy since I had gained 70 pounds while pregnant with Jude! I learned that Eupraxia wasn’t just a “quick fix” but was a life change. I only gained 25 pounds with my last child and overall it was a way better pregnancy! Not only did I feel better about myself, but I was feeding my children and husband better, and brought it into my work as well. I own a daycare and I started incorporating healthy living into those children’s lives every day as well!

Now that I can officially say that we are done having children, I finally feel like I can focus on myself more. I can feel like the mother and wife that I always wanted to be! I always saw the pictures of the cute in shape mom with the three adorable children at her side and thought to myself, I want to be her! Well now thanks to Eupraxia I feel like I can be that mom! I feel like I am in the best shape physically I have ever been in! I know that I have friends and trainers on my side rooting me along (even if the rooting is usually Lindsay telling me I need to work on form) which I love because they have my best interest at heart. I can come to them with any concerns or questions, and I feel good about sending people there because I know that they will be taken care of!



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About the Author:

At Eupraxia we not only teach the best way to exercise, we also teach our members about nutrition and food. Our goal is to help people take control of their own health!

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  1. Christine says:

    Way to go Magen ! It is no doubt that you’ve worked hard in and out of the building. What a great way to care for yourself and your family.

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