Your Trainer’s Top “Go-To” Snacks
So often we get asked- what are some good snack ideas? When you switch over to eating like we teach you to eat, you have a rethink snacks and realize it’s just a smaller version of your meals. You need to get away from the chips, crackers, pretzels, cookies, and granola bars mentality for snacks.
But to give you some more ideas, here are some “go-to’s” from your trainers at Eupraxia!
Dr. Czys- banana or apple with tree nuts (anything but peanuts) or Ferndale hotdogs.
Lindsay- pickles and ham rolled (Ham Cigars) together or “snack packs” (great for kids!) are what she calls precut veggies and fruit put into baggies and ready to grab.
Karissa-a mixture of cucumbers, tomatoes, and basil with a little olive oil, vinegar, and salt and pepper
Jodi- always keeps a little baggie of mixed nuts around..she likes almonds, walnuts, and pistachios
Amber- apple or banana with almond butter
Honestly, the big key with healthy snacking is to keep the crap out of the house. Trust me, if it’s there, you’ll eat it. Do Oreo cookies and potato chips taste good to me? Absolutely! Which is exactly why don’t buy them and keep them in the house. I even find that if I buy certain “healthy” snacks like roasted and salted nuts or Simple Mills almond flour crackers, I overeat them. This is why I find it best to just buy the raw nuts..I don’t like them quite and much and therefore won’t overeat them 🙂 Create an environment in your home that will set you up for’s really as simple as that!
You might think..I can’t stop buying the crackers, cookies, chips, etc because I have kids. This is all the more reason to not have these things around! Your kids need exactly what you need to thrive and be healthy 🙂
And for even more ideas, check out a previous blog post:
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