Hi! My name is Kaitlin. I grew up in Stevens Point, WI and then moved to La Crosse for college. I graduated with a Bachelors in Exercise Sport Science in 2021 from UWL and have stayed in the area since! After graduation, I got a job as an exercise specialist and shortly moved into managing the facility. I have since then obtained my personal training certification along with numerous learning opportunities in the business side of fitness.

Growing up, I had a very active lifestyle whether that was being outside with my sisters, participating in extra curriculars, or playing sports. I’d like to think I’ve given almost every sport a try…there are a handful I still need to check off the list! The main sports I stuck to were softball, basketball, volleyball, and tennis. I still play recreational softball but would love to get back into tennis! I had the most supportive parents. They were at every event cheering my sisters and I on wherever we were. They taught us at a young age that you need to work hard to get the things you want, nothing will be handed to you. I live by that in all aspects of life and try to apply it, not only to myself, but whatever team I am on, work or fitness.
I love the community of a team and Eupraxia fits that description perfectly. Having people there to constantly cheer you on, encourage, push, and make you better is something I will always show up for. An environment where you can be yourself and comfortable in a gym no matter your skillset is my goal. I will go above and beyond to make you feel that you belong…. because you do.
My fitness journey has been through its ups and downs. As I mentioned, I was a very active high schooler so when college rolled around with no planned fitness schedule, I fell off my routine. I gained weight and was unhappy with my unhealthy choices. I didn’t make my passions a priority and I lost myself for a while. A few years later I decided to make a change. I started to become more active, go to the gym more, and eat, what I thought, was healthier. This is when I developed severe GI and digestive issues. I was forced to change my diet tremendously and followed what doctors were suggesting I do. I lost over 50 pounds in an extremely unhealthy amount of time because I wasn’t educated on how or what to eat. I was constantly tired, sick, and angry. After about a year of this, I was able to get some answers and start eating more. I continued to work out and live a healthy lifestyle and sure enough, I started gaining healthy weight back.
My hope is to educate you as well as I can with our time together, so that you won’t have to go through this process of frustration and confusion as I did. I want to show you how powerful your level of confidence in an active lifestyle and diet is. Everyone is on different walks of life, but all want the same end goal: To feel good in our own skin and to be able to set an example for whatever it is that means the most to you. Be confident in who you are and what you stand for because THAT is what will drive you to keep going.
I look forward to meeting you all and to be a part of the Eupraxia community 😊